How does someone measure one’s happiness? Is it on the material possessions she has? Or, is it on the achievements she has? Some people may say someone is happy if she has found the right person in her life. But, how about me, how do I measure happiness?
For the past few days, I was a bit sad because I cannot feel the care that must be given by other people to me. I must say I give all when I love somebody. I must say I make everybody happy. However, why can’t I feel the happiness I am longing for from the people I dearly love?
I have everything I tell you. But, am I happy? Well, I’m not.
For the past few days, I was a bit sad because I cannot feel the care that must be given by other people to me. I must say I give all when I love somebody. I must say I make everybody happy. However, why can’t I feel the happiness I am longing for from the people I dearly love?
I have everything I tell you. But, am I happy? Well, I’m not.
In this world is really difficult to be happy but others says, “Happiness is always existing it is just depend on how you approach it.” You don’t need to measure your happiness. Happiness is your satisfaction in life. To be happy is not just to have the right person in your life. There are many reasons to be happy. You have your family who are always there. You have your friends who comfort you when you are in the midst of sadness. You must know how to appreciate them so that you could feel the happiness you want. Don’t feel sad. Don’t say that you can’t feel the care of other people to you. Friend, there are many who have care to you. You said that you make everybody happy but you can’t I feel the happiness you are longing for. Friend, I can say that making others happy is one way of making your self happy. Just open your eyes and open your heart. To be happy is a matter of choice. Choose to be happy.
your choice of title struck my attention. earlier, you have published an article saying why can't the world be like you, happy, that you woke up very happy and that you can't explain that happiness, and now here you are with an entry saying life sucks. happiness is a choice, everything you would want to happen is. as you have aid, you have everything, which makes you a million times fortunate the majority out there who has nothing and yet manages to look on the brighter side. everybody struggles, you may have the deepest and endless dilemmas as you wake up but it is your choice to live each day counting your what you don't have, or what you do. the brain controls all other systems in our body, even our emotions, choose to look on the brighter side of life, choose to be happy...as, as friend I know its what you deserve and that is exactly how I want you to be...
i could relate to this post very well.like you i often ask myself why am i not happy. im still on the process of finding my own happiness,but let me share some of my insights. ive been to the most facinating places, had the most luxurious things come to think about it, i had everything. but i was not happy. i was seeking for something so profound i barely had a clue. days before i got robbed i summoned god and ask him why cant he give me the hapiness ive wanted. everytime i pray thats all i ask, but i cant understand why he cant give that to me. then i got robbed. i felt shatterd,confused! i dont understand why it had to happen to me. but i know god had a plan. its for me to realize that the happiness i was looking for was just infront of me, i was just so busy with my materials things so god took em away from me. dude, the bottom line here is this, sometimes we look for what we dont have forgetting and taking for granted the things we have.your not feeling the happines because you dont let yourself feel it you hold back. try realize things. be grateful on what you have, dont let him take them away from you just for you to realize what you had and shouldv been grateful for.
Happiness and unhappiness are opposite sides of a judgement about your situation. If you judge your situation as bad for you, that's unhappiness. If you judge a situation as good for you, that's happiness.
I would like to share this article written by Jenifer Hautman about happiness.
The experience of happiness is one of those general terms we use to say, "I feel good emotionally." People use different terms to describe what feels good for them. For someone it might be excitement, passion, exhilaration, fulfillment, freedom, feeling fully alive with inspiration and joy. For another it might be more peaceful, content, capable, hopeful, satisfied, and comfortable feeling. Whatever you call it, it just feels darn good.
Our natural state of being is to be happy. When you remove all the uncomfortable emotions we humans can experience (and they are numerous), you're left with happiness. So it's easiest to define happiness by what it is not.
Happiness is what you feel when you're NOT feeling....
self doubt
Whew! That’s a long list!
Pleasure vs. Happiness
Happiness is not pleasure although they can appear similar. Pleasure is enjoyment of an outside stimuli. You might find pleasure in buying a new car, or in going on vacation, or having friends over for dinner, or having sex, or....the list is long on what you might enjoy experiencing. Pleasure requires an external stimuli for you to experience it. Happiness does not. Happiness is a belief about yourself and the outside world. You can be doing something you normally experience as pleasurable but not be happy! Pleasure is born from the external world, happiness is born from the internal workings of our own minds.
Happiness is Everyone's Goal
Analou, I also experience such dilemma at times but we must put in our minds that happiness is really up to us. If only we would try to look at the brighter side of life and learn to appreciate the things we have, we would surely be happy.
I agree with them, even how you look the angle of life, how you see people individuality it’s still you who knows what makes you happy. I understand sometimes life seems clueless. There are many questions that can’t be answered as easy as that.
Being confused towards your feeling is a sign that you’re a normal, I mean everybody feels that way. I can’t ease your problems as your read this but I hope through my words it can enlighten your mind. Nobody can’t make you happy, it’s you, yourself the one who can make you happy. Mostly the reason why people are sad is because they can’t stand with their standards. Once you fail to reach your purpose, needs and wants and ideal in your life, you feel incomplete. What I mean is, if your reason in your sadness is because you felt like nobody cares for you, I want to ask you what care do you want? For sure somebody cares for you eventually your standard in defining what is care is different as we understand. That’s why you did not appreciate minor cares. However I think your sadness is just temporary matter, once you find the one that fitted in your word care. I’m sure everything will turns into happiness. Don’t be sad we care for you dude.
Life is not a sucks it's how you made it sucks. "Gift" must a good discription in life. enjoy life!
sadness is always part of happiness. they are twins.. hehe
happiness does not exist with what you have,, happiness exist within yourself.. if you choose to be happy, then you'll be happy,, and if you choose to be sad,, then you'll be sad.. baybeh,, sometimes you just can't understand yourself why you feel this way.. life is what we make it.. if you'll feel sadness,, you'll never appreciate the existence of happiness..
for me happiness must be measured on the people who are always with you and who will always be with you no matter what happen and no matter what life may bring to you. i am very happy because even if i am in korea, i also still have many peole who are her with me in the Philippines to help me with all my shortcomings, just like you, my classmates. i wish we could still know each other and become very good friends. i like your fashion style, it is very nice and fits to you.
Hey, senti? Hehehehe!!! I’ve known Anne for almost three years and we treasure each other as friends but what I don’t like with this person is she’s very wasteful. She likes to spend too much that’s why I always advise her to be thrift, for her own future. Since she always makes others happy and thinks less of herself, from now on I would include your future Mr. Right in my prayers. For you to finally meet him and be happy, because you truly deserve it.
There are really times when we feel so down and we can’t just be happy. I have so many insights to share, which can be drawn out from experience, personal reflection and other people’s words. Although, I cannot give a scholarly advice because I myself have been undergoing different processes, I still want to share what I have been learning.
Happiness is a choice. When we are in a situation where we think we can’t be happy because of one thing, we should think about the other things we have, we should think about the persons who are with us. We shouldn’t limit our happiness on the things that we possess or the places we’ve been to. There’s more to those things than the temporary happiness that they give us.
Everyone can say chose to be happy or think about being happy, but it is still you, who have the POWER to change whatever you don’t want or to achieve whatever you want to achieve. Sometimes, we are busy finding happiness when it is just here, waiting to be discovered.
PS: Ann, you deserved to be happy! I admire you for being a strong person. You may want to watch “The Pursuit of Happyness”, I just got a copy. Thanks for everything. I am just here no matter what.
I love reading sentiments from other people that’s why I picked this one titled”life sucks”. I don’t know your reason or purpose of posting it on your blog, I must say that you need advice? Am I right? Or waiting for someone to share with you the same experience? Let me share something. Yes I agree with what you said that happiness is not found on material possessions or achievements. Its not tangible. But the fact is that the reason why we are confused of finding the happiness is because we are not satisfied on what we have we keep on expecting for something to arrive not knowing that we can acquire happiness even in little things. When it comes to love, expecting something in return can’t even give you the happiness try to accept what has just been offered to you. Don’t search for happiness let it finds you =)
How should I begin my statement with you? Hmmm, maybe by saying “kaya yan babes” or “that’s life.” Honestly I have seen some of this woman’s struggles in life, and I must say she’s really been through a lot. Happiness, that’s what she’s looking for, well its everyone else’s wish babe. When you are out there feeling alone and desperate for your life, just look back and see how far you’ve been through in being strong. You also know my personal struggles in life, and I am searching for the same thing as yours, true happiness. For now I cannot guarantee to offer or give you the happiness that you are looking for, but if time flies, and still destiny forbids us what we are looking for, then we’ll just have each other and the rest of MC3 to provide us with it. Right MC3? Well Cheers to life!
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